Saturday, April 16, 2005


My good friend asked Shaykh Zulfiqar about a dua to help him with his back ache.

Sh. Zulfiqar replied that there is dua and 'dawa'.

He explained that the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) complained to Jibreel (alaihi salaam) that he gets tired. So, Jibreel (alaihi salaam) told him (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told him to use "talbeenah".

Sh. Zulfiqar said they did some research and found that talbeenah may be made from cooking three ingredients together: barley, milk and either dates or honey.

I found that I usually need to cook the barley in water first to make it soft. Anyway, I found it to be so powerful that I don't drink coffee on the mornings that I take talbeenah.


Blogger Veiled Knight said...

aslaamualaikum akhi, how mcuh of each do you add for talbeenah? this for energy or pain?
Walaikumasalam wa rahmatullah

23 April, 2005 14:27  
Blogger yousuf said...

wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah,

This is for energy, mainly. But, the other thing it does (as Sh Zulfiqar was saying) is to help recuperate from illness, and particularly to help replenish bodily fluids.

Here is how I make it for one serving:

Method 1:
-soak about 1/4 cup of barley in water over-night
-throw the water out and cook in pressure cooker for about 5 minutes (obviously, you need enough water so that it won't dry out)
-safely remove pressure cooker lid and make sure the barley is soft (if not, cook it some more until its soft, add water so it won't dry out)
-once soft, add about 1/2 cup milk and however many dates you want (I usually add about 4 big dates that I've pitted and torn into pieces). Or, you can just put a bunch of honey in it.
-keep boiling the softened barley in the milk until it thickens
-let it cool for a few minutes, it should become like pudding

Method 2:
-soften the barley in a slow cooker overnight
-transfer softened barley to a pot
-add about 1/2 cup milk and however many dates you want (I usually add about 4 big dates that I've pitted and torn into pieces). Or, you can just put a bunch of honey in it.
-boil the softened barley in the milk until it thickens
-let it cool for a few minutes, it should become like pudding

25 April, 2005 23:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalaamu Alaikum Yousuf,

Hope everything is going well. I've now got my own blog (trizvi). Anyway, just wanted to mention that on this particular post, you may want to change the wording to "the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) MENTIONED to Jibreel (alaihi salaam)" instead of using the word "complained". Maybe I'm being too picky, but perhaps it would be better adab when talking about the Prophet (pbuh) - and Allah knows best.

Take care bro - those burritos were awesome!

30 May, 2005 19:15  

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