Saturday, March 31, 2007

No One Can Escape Their Test

When my deceased son, Habib Ismaeel (r.a.) was in my wife's womb, Shaykh Zulfiqar (db) and Shaykh Husain (db) gave me advice I don't think I'll forget.

Habib (r.a.) lived for about 19 days last year. We found out about 6 months into the pregnancy that he had a cleft palate which can be an indication of a genetic problem. That was enough to freak us out, so I let Shaykh Husain (db) know. He contacted Shaykh Zulfiqar (db) who sent us this advice:

Everyone has a test, and no one can escape their test. This may be your test.

My wife and I felt an immediate sense of calm when we heard that. Later, the geneticist told us that based on the tests, the baby did indeed have a fatal genetic abnormality, Trisomy 13. In this context, Shaykh Husain (db) mentioned that sometimes Allah (swt) does these things to make an excuse to put people in jannah.

I humbly request your dua for this sinner (me), Habib (r.a.) and the rest of my family.